With the moon not seeming too far away one can only imagine what it looks like from the top. As space begins to seem like an outdated Windows XP OS that we know is gone but we so desperately want to hang on to - we find peace in knowing that the Most High had given us the answers the whole time in Scripture. Biblical cosmology.
The short answer is the Bible. Specifically the parts we always skimmed over and thought. " I don't get it, but God works in mysterious ways." Thats a load of junk, because we know He is the best Father anyone could ever have and one of the most import qualities of a good father is clear communication. You just needed the right visual. They've been around, but hidden from us.
Watch thisYeah this sounds like ludicrous. I know. It made me mad to even hear those words, but just hang tight and check this out. I prepare you now for quite possibly the coolest or at least the most interesting video of your life. It's called "What On Earth Happened." MUCH better than your history books. Thats for sure.
Visit Their SiteThats fair. Ain't nobody shoving it down your throat. (Or at least I hope not.) Here's a sweet song to get you pumped up in stead!
Pump me up!